Today OpenRelay is excited to announce Pools. Pools allow us to create separate order books that can have independent rules for what orders can be added to a given pool.

Introducing Pools


There are several parameters that can be independently managed for each pool:

Pool Interactions

Pools work with the same Standard Relayer API as the rest of OpenRelay. The only difference is that it is nested one layer deeper in a namespace dedicated to that pool. So if you wanted to interact with a pool named mypool, you would access it at

If you are running the open source version of OpenRelay, you may want to create pools on your own instance. OpenRelay comes with a poolmgr commandline utility that can be used to create pools.

Initial Pools

At launch, OpenRelay supports two pools:

The first is the default pool, which can be found at This is essentially the same endpoint we’ve always had, it is essentially a pool by the name “”, which has no ingest filtering contract, no search filtering terms (so it shows all orders across all pools), and charges the base fee.

The second is the feefree pool. This is a pool that shows any orders with no taker fee. This is not to say that the orders have no fees at all, only that users searching will not have to pay fees if they act as taker for the order. This may mean that the maker is paying 100% of the fee, or that the order requires no fees for other reasons.

We are also working on pools related to partnerships. If you are interested in creating a pool that suits your organization’s needs, reach out to us and we can discuss possibilities.

Future Work on Pools

This is the initial release of pools, but we have plans for further enhancements to pools. At present, pools must be managed by the administrators of an OpenRelay instance.

Self Service Pools

We are working some premium options for self-service pools. We plan to create ERC-721 tokens to represent pools, and allow the token holders limited ability to manage the parameters of the pool.

Some possible use cases for self-service pools include:

Self-service pools will also provide some off-chain administrative features, such as the ability to remove orders from a pool, and the ability to configure search constraints.

Token Oriented Pools

The current implementation of pools can constrain orders to a specific set of tokens using a filtering contract, but it’s not currently possible to set search constraints based on a list of different tokens. We plan to implement more robust searching capabilities that will allow filtering based on a collection of tokens. Once we have this capability, we will launch a pool based on our token green list.